Monday, October 17, 2011


Mason returned home after a great season with The Academy. They ended up in 15th place but really feel they should have been at least 13th. Even though they didn’t get the place the deserved their show was so awesome. I enjoyed watching them. Their sound was amazing. I am so proud of Mason and all of the hard work that he puts into his craft.

Mason is attending CGCC for criminal justice and is working for A+ Book Fair. He is saving to march The Academy again next year. Mason is also the Visual tech for a local high school marching band. (non paid but great experience).

Mason is the new owner of a 95 Saturn. One problem is that it is a stick shift. It took Mason a while to get a hang of driving the car but he got the hang of it.

Bryan has been cast in two shows. He is in the Queen Creek production of Camp Rock. He plays Andy and is the understudy for Nate. The show runs in October. He is also in his high school production of Oklahoma. He is cast in the ensemble. He is also the understudy for both leads Will and Curly. So he has a lot of work to do learning 5 roles. Basha will have an understudy show so I will be attending that evening also.

We were lost without a dog, so I was “window shopping” on Craigslist and found a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy. He was 6 months old and he was being sold for the cost of his microchip, vaccines and neutering. That is such an awesome deal. So Matt agreed to go look and the puppies. We drove all of the way across town, when we got there, of course we fell in love. We picked out a tri color. His name was Monster and he seemed to love the kids. He doesn’t really seem to chew very much. But best of all he will play or cuddle just a very good boy. We had a hard time choosing a new name for him. So we took a family vote and by a very close vote his name is Chestnut.

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