Wednesday, November 16, 2011

An oldie but...

So I wanted to make sure I put these in, since I neglected to do it at the time. Back in May, Lexie graduated kindergarten. One of the parents decided that they wanted a graduation ceremony. Patterson does not do one. (Hull did) The ceremony was nice. It was held in the back yard and they had built a little stage and bought all of the kids a cap. They sang a couple of songs and the teacher Mrs. Wilson gave them the certificate again. The kids played in the yard one last time and had some yummy cake. I am so proud of my baby :)

Lauren Bowling Birthday

Lauren was able to invite two friends to go bowling with her for her little birthday party this year. This is the only party that the siblings were not allowed to attend. Lexie didn’t really understand that too well. It was nice to see Lauren and her friends on a different level. We went bowling and then we went to Clair's for the party favor. Each girl picked out a little something. Lauren has real nice friends and is turning into a real nice young lady... love you Lauren :)

Lauren and her friend Anne

Lauren and her friend Morgan

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


What can I say, I am a sucker. I adopted two kittens. Mao and Blu. We decided to keep the name Mao because it kinda sounds like "meow". Although he is trying to rule the house. Blu was originally named "Mariska" I just didn't see it. They are really cute and very patient with the kids. Treble even kinda likes them. One is having some issues, we need to work some things out. But they are very cute :)

Happy Birthday Bryan

Bryan just turned 17. Once again my kids are so stinkin' busy that we didn’t really get to celebrate his day with him. We had cake and presents at lunch between Bryan getting home from sleeping in a cardboard box that night and a matinee for Camp Rock. BTW he slept in the box at a park for youth conference. Bryan finally blew out his candles this year... :)

Myranda/Dad date....

Matt took Myranda to the Taylor Swift concert. They had a blast. Myranda made a poster and a shirt in hopes that she would be noticed :) Matt had video taped parts of the concert and Myranda edited a nice piece that she put on Youtube. The Arizona Republic took her video and posted it along with their story about the concert. I think that is very cool...Myranda is very talented with the computer and editing of videos.

Bathroom “fix”/ Painting our house...

Matt and I went to go look at paint swatches and pick out colors that I loved. We went to the store and purchased the paint that I liked...until I put it on the wall :( Now I need to go back and buy the test size.. I hate wasting money. Since we moved into our house the main bathroom had a leaky toilet. The tank not the yucky part. I just kinda ignored it until last week. I don’t know why but I just couldn’t live with it anymore.. So Matt took the flooring out and the removed the toilet. The smell was unbelievable. There was mold and the entire floor was wet. The problem was worse than I had thought. So we went and purchased new flooring and a new toilet. It will be very nice once it’s put together. The goal is to get it finished before Thanksgiving.