Saturday, August 20, 2011

Move and unwanted guest...

We are now living in our new home..whew.. I still have some unpacking to do, but we are getting there. The move itself we well. We are lucky and have wonderful family and friends. Along with church members we were all moved in. It only took a few hours. Brother and Sister Stratton stayed behind and put together the kids beds so we could sleep well the first night. I got a little creeped out the first night in our house though... I came to clean the house before the truck got here with the stuff and found a dead scorpion.. So of course I was sure there had to be living ones. The move happened and no more signs of the bug. UNTIL Lauren went into my bathroom and comes out “mommy I think that a scorpion is next to your bathtub” so I sent Joe to check it out and yep, there it was a living scorpion. So that creeped me out even more. When it came time to go to bed I asked Matt to check out the bedroom for stinging creatures. He gave me the all clear. So I lay down on the bed and look up on the ceiling and what do I see? Yep a baby scorpion... Needless to say I got very little sleep that night. Fingers crossed and knocking on wood.. I have not seen anymore since we moved in. I really hope they stay away..

1 comment:

  1. In my defense, it was teensie-weensie and it was way up high. :-)
