Friday, July 22, 2011

Okay... life got crazy

Well, I am very new to this whole blogging thing and I started off very motivated. My problem has been I have been over thinking what I should post. (like adding photos and long stories) So... I have now decided that I am not a big writer. I just want to do this little blog for memories... My grammar will not be perfect. There may or may not be photos... but hopefully I will post more so we can remember some of these good times.

Life has been crazy... we are moving AGAIN. The move is in a week (fingers crossed) and I will be down sizing my home. It is hard to part with things BUT I will have a nice house that is ours again. That will be heaven. I can't wait to get out of this rental. Our landlady is really not a nice person. That is all I am going to say...

We are adopting a dog. We will pick him up on the 30th.. His name is Rugger and he is a six year old black lab.

School starts on Monday. Man the summer went by very fast. We did the Harkins summer movie pass. That was very fun. We went to Colorado for a vacation. I'll write more about that later.

Mason is on tour this summer with The Academy Drum and Bugle Corp. They got new uniforms this year and look very sharp. He will return on Aug. 16th. So he's missing out on helping us move... poor guy.

Well I will close for now, I really do hope to start to post more... (fingers crossed)

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I was finaly able to comment. I love your blog! You are doing such a great job with it and I am already addicted to checking for new posts everyday to see what you are all up to. The posts don't have to be long or have pictures, I love reading anything you write. With your schedule I'm suprised you are able to write at all. Keep up the great work, I can't wait to read more.
