Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Well yesterday was the first day of school. The summer went by way too fast. I really enjoyed having the time with my kids. The summer each child had a day where they planned and made lunch for the family. That was the best idea I have had in a while.
Last week we bought our back to school outfits. I will finish all of the back to school shopping after we move. (fingers still crossed that we’ll get to move in this weekend)
The kids were all happy to go back. Bryan is a junior at Basha High school. Myranda is in 8th grade at Payne. Braxton, Lauren and Lexie go to Patterson and are in 6th, 4th and 1st grade. Wow they are growing up way too fast.

This past Saturday we purchased a live feed so we could watch Mason compete in Texas. I was so happy to see him. I really do miss him. I know that he is enjoying himself on tour. What a great experience he is getting. They are in Dallas today and the weather says it’s 105 but they have humidity.. sure hope he is drinking a lot of water...

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