Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Miss Myranda :)

My little girl is now 14. She has grown up to be such a beautiful young woman. I am surprised all of the time by how smart and funny she is. Myranda brings laughter into our home. She also is a peacemaker most of the time and has helped me out many times. This birthday was like the rest of our birthdays this year. We had two concerts to attend that night. So we opened presents and sang Happy Birthday before the concerts and ate the cake after. We got Myranda a Kindle Fire for her birthday. She is enjoying that a lot. Mason got her a book that she had wanted and his girlfriend Alexa came and gave her a shirt. Myranda is now a Mia Maid and is looking forward to attending her first dance. I can not believe that she is old enough to do that yet.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Tis' the season for Holiday Concerts

I love Christmas time. One thing I always look forward to is attending the concerts that my children are in. On Myranda's birthday we had two choir concerts to attend. Lauren is in senior chorus at Patterson. She was so beautiful on stage. She sang like an angel :) As soon as her concert was over we rushed to Basha High school to see Bryan in his concert. We were about 25 minutes late (which I hate) We missed part of one of his choirs. We were able to see him in the others. I am so proud of Bryan. He has such a wonderful voice I am amazed every time I hear him.

On Tuesday we were back to Patterson to see the band concert. Braxton has picked up the baritone very well. He did a great job in his concert and I could hear the baritone clearly :)

On Thursday we attended the Phoenix girls choir where my niece Maxi was performing. She did a great job and I am glad I was able to attend that also.

For some strange reason Payne didn't have a holiday concert, so that is why I didn't see Myranda perform.. Next Christmas :)

Mason's new car...

The Saturn that we bought Mason blew up... It threw a rod. He had to junk the poor little car. With the money he got from the junk yard and most of his savings he purchased a 2001 Dodge Intrepid. It is a nice car. He is happy that it is an automatic and has a nice radio. It is just not that good on gas. It costs him much more money to drive, that is not very helpful in his budget.

A couple of weeks ago Matt answers the phone and it is Mason on the other end. He got in a little accident on the highway. Luckily no one was hurt. Masons car has little damage, it looks like the other car needs a new rear bumper. Mason received the ticket. Hope Mason can still march The Academy since this accident will pretty much wipe out his savings. He is a hard worker though. I am sure he can figure something out :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Really? More bugs...

We just found out that our house has termites :( Last Thursday Lauren spotted something hanging from the ceiling. Matt didn't know what it was, but thanks to Facebook and a friend who was unfortunate to have had the buggers and nice enough to post pics of the tubes that they make I knew what it was. I also knew that it wasn't good. Tonight we had an expert come and tell us how we are going to get rid of them. Not cheap. As long as it works right? Next Wednesday they will be here to drill every foot around the house and then in the room that the bugs are in they will drill every six inches up the wall and on the ceiling.. wow that would be a boring job.. but I guess it pays well :)