Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Miss Myranda :)

My little girl is now 14. She has grown up to be such a beautiful young woman. I am surprised all of the time by how smart and funny she is. Myranda brings laughter into our home. She also is a peacemaker most of the time and has helped me out many times. This birthday was like the rest of our birthdays this year. We had two concerts to attend that night. So we opened presents and sang Happy Birthday before the concerts and ate the cake after. We got Myranda a Kindle Fire for her birthday. She is enjoying that a lot. Mason got her a book that she had wanted and his girlfriend Alexa came and gave her a shirt. Myranda is now a Mia Maid and is looking forward to attending her first dance. I can not believe that she is old enough to do that yet.

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