Friday, December 23, 2011

Tis' the season for Holiday Concerts

I love Christmas time. One thing I always look forward to is attending the concerts that my children are in. On Myranda's birthday we had two choir concerts to attend. Lauren is in senior chorus at Patterson. She was so beautiful on stage. She sang like an angel :) As soon as her concert was over we rushed to Basha High school to see Bryan in his concert. We were about 25 minutes late (which I hate) We missed part of one of his choirs. We were able to see him in the others. I am so proud of Bryan. He has such a wonderful voice I am amazed every time I hear him.

On Tuesday we were back to Patterson to see the band concert. Braxton has picked up the baritone very well. He did a great job in his concert and I could hear the baritone clearly :)

On Thursday we attended the Phoenix girls choir where my niece Maxi was performing. She did a great job and I am glad I was able to attend that also.

For some strange reason Payne didn't have a holiday concert, so that is why I didn't see Myranda perform.. Next Christmas :)

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