Friday, December 23, 2011

Mason's new car...

The Saturn that we bought Mason blew up... It threw a rod. He had to junk the poor little car. With the money he got from the junk yard and most of his savings he purchased a 2001 Dodge Intrepid. It is a nice car. He is happy that it is an automatic and has a nice radio. It is just not that good on gas. It costs him much more money to drive, that is not very helpful in his budget.

A couple of weeks ago Matt answers the phone and it is Mason on the other end. He got in a little accident on the highway. Luckily no one was hurt. Masons car has little damage, it looks like the other car needs a new rear bumper. Mason received the ticket. Hope Mason can still march The Academy since this accident will pretty much wipe out his savings. He is a hard worker though. I am sure he can figure something out :)

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