Friday, May 19, 2017

Halloween 2016.

Found these photos on Matt's phone. The kids are getting older so I know our trick or treat days are numbered. This year the weather was pretty amazing. We went around the fun part of the Seville neighborhood. Living on an acre makes it a bit hard to go around in our neighborhood. So I only hand out candy at our church's trunk or treat. Brax was a scary dude. (I can't remember what exactly he said he was) Morgan and Lauren were Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck and Lexie was The Drum Corpse Bride from The Academy 2016 11th place show. Yes, we are a little into DCI :)

Pinkwood Derby....

This year at church the girls had their own Pinewood derby like the scouts do. It was so much fun. Lauren and Lexie designed their own cars and worked on them with dad. There is a family in our ward who did everything, the decorations, the track, the music and were the announcers. It was a great day. The girls had really creative and cute cars. (neither of them were very fast) I hope they are able to do it again someday.

Another last...

Last night was our last time attending an elementary band concert. I can not believe this chapter in our lives is coming to a close. I used to live at the elementary school. (not so much in the last few years) Lexie plays the tenor and she had a solo song last night. She was very brave to play the song all by herself and she did great. I was beaming with pride :) Her band directors look so young. Mr Virgo is her director this year and Mr. Erie will be her director next year at Casteel. He came up to her after the concert and told her she did a great job. He is happy to have her in band next year.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Bryan's Mission

I know that Bryan has gone, came back and is now married. I never shared some of my photos.  Bryan was called to the Mexico, Mexico City Northwest mission. He left August 2013 and returned August 2015. He had some amazing experiences. I can not describe how sad I was the day he left. It felt like I was loosing him and I don't know, it kind of felt like I was grieving a loss. A loss of his childhood? What I thought was him not needing me anymore? I am not really sure. As time passed, and we were able to email and I was able to hear his adventures I grew to love his mission. To be honest, I think my testimony grew the most while he was gone. I witnessed many miracles. For two years I looked forward to Monday's, I never missed emailing Bryan. I am very thankful for smartphones. That way I could talk to him anywhere, and I did. The track, the beach and dance class. I cherish the conversations we had. I am so proud of him and the man he has become. He has many mission stories and I am sure he might share some someday.

As great as his mission was, I was so excited to welcome him home. It was really the best day. We made signs and had family and friends there. Mason was still away touring with DCI so they had their reunion the Sunday after he got home.

Best day ever.
Myranda made the best homecoming video. She is so talented and I am amazed with her work ethic. This video makes me cry evey time I watch it.  (yes I watch it just because)

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


I was lucky enough to be able to take a cruise with Matt's family. We both didn't go due to a wedding the following month. (needed to save money) We drove to long beach and toured the Queen Mary before boarding the ship.

I had never been on a cruise before and boarding was interesting. I don't know what I was expecting but the process was easy.

The cruise was fun, the entertainment was good and I loved the food.
We went to Catalina Island and went on a whale watching cruise. It was fun. No whales that day but say some very cute seals and dolphins. There was a Santa Claus convention on the cruise some of them were so funny. Gotta ask Kathryn to see her lap dance video. 

Our next stop was Ensenada Mexico. I went on a Horseback ride along the coast in the mountain. It was very fun and I met some nice people. My horse didn't really respect me, I wonder if he even felt me on his back as he didn't do anything I asked of him. I had a great time. It was a lot more physical then I remembered. It was nice to see Mexico and I hope to go someday and really explore. (maybe have Bryan take us to his mission) 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Braxton 2017 (so far)

This young man hates having his photo taken and always tells me when I take a pic that I am not allowed to post it on Facebook, or Instagram he never said blog but I will still respect him (a little)

Braxton participated in Marching band this year and received the game ball twice. Once in a game and once in practice. One thing I always admire about him is he is a hard worker If  he sets his mind to something it will get done. This season started off a little rocky and I am proud of the way he stuck with it and showed people what an awesome young man he really is.

Braxton is also a member of JROTC. He has done so much and just yesterday told me he passed his officer test. Super proud :)

Tonight is the last band concert of the year and possibly his last concert ever. He has told me he will be quitting band. I will support his decision, but honestly I am a little sad to hear that. He is a really good musician and selfishly I love going to the concerts and listening to him. I can always hear him. In tune and with a great tone. I do understand his reasons and if this is it... I will cherish my night.

An update on Lauren.

Lauren has a couple more weeks left as a freshmen at Basha high school. She has had a good year. I see her growing into a wonderful young woman. She has worked hard this year. She was a member of The marching band and Winter Guard. She also was in a fashion class and was able to be part of a fashion show. Lauren loves church and participates in many activities.

The guard show was called Castle and Lauren was just awesome. :) Alexa was her guard instructor and she is such an amazing teacher. Lauren has made the decision to change schools next year. She will attend Casteel High school. It will be a big change, both for her and for me. We have been Basha parents for a long time.

Lauren has her drivers permit and is starting to get comfortable behind the wheel. She can not wait to get some freedom :)