Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Braxton 2017 (so far)

This young man hates having his photo taken and always tells me when I take a pic that I am not allowed to post it on Facebook, or Instagram he never said blog but I will still respect him (a little)

Braxton participated in Marching band this year and received the game ball twice. Once in a game and once in practice. One thing I always admire about him is he is a hard worker If  he sets his mind to something it will get done. This season started off a little rocky and I am proud of the way he stuck with it and showed people what an awesome young man he really is.

Braxton is also a member of JROTC. He has done so much and just yesterday told me he passed his officer test. Super proud :)

Tonight is the last band concert of the year and possibly his last concert ever. He has told me he will be quitting band. I will support his decision, but honestly I am a little sad to hear that. He is a really good musician and selfishly I love going to the concerts and listening to him. I can always hear him. In tune and with a great tone. I do understand his reasons and if this is it... I will cherish my night.

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