Tuesday, May 16, 2017

I really stink at this...

You know, it is a really good thing I don't have followers. Haha it has been years since I have really thought about updating this blog. (journal)

Since the last time I shared anything so much has happened.

Bryan returned from his mission and married a very sweet young lady.

Mason married his beautiful long time girlfriend.

Myranda graduated high school

Braxton is finishing his junior year of high school and is advancing very quickly in the JROTC program.

Lauren is finishing her freshmen year of high school and her guard received a bronze medal for Winter guard this year.

Lexie is finishing 6th grade.. Wow. only 2 weeks left for elementary school.

This last Sunday was Mothers day. While at church the primary children sang a medley for moms. We realized that this is the last time one of my children will sing in that tradition. For the last 21 years I was able to watch my child sing. It is such a bitter sweet moment. I love the young people that they are becoming. I just kinda of wish I could press a pause button and keep them for just a little longer.  

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